We must hold dear and carry forward the ever-lasting Bandung spirit.(万隆精神是不朽的,值得我们倍加珍惜,发扬光大!)
We must carry forward and promote the spirit of practicality, truth-seeking and courage in innovation.(我们要大力发扬求真务实,勇于创新的精神。(省译没有实际意义的词)。)
More precisely, his own response is a whole frozen structure which does not carry forward the felt experiencing process in these respects.(更精确地说,他自己的回应是一个冻结的整体,无法带动他在这些方面的感受体验过程。)
They are determined to carry forward the enterprise.(他们决心把事业进行下去。)
But I also know that sanctions without outreach — condemnation without discussion — can carry forward only a crippling status quo.(我也知道,如果一味制裁而没有主动接触,如果一味谴责而没有对话,只能保持一个有害的现状。)
Life will have meaning only carry forward the life, happy is the best way to carry on life.(人生要有意义只有发扬生命,快乐就是发扬生命的最好方法。)
Thus there are two different definitions: to carry forward, and to reconstitute.(这是两个不同的定义:带动与重建。)
We hope that in the New Year will continue to carry forward this spirit.(希望大家在新的一年里将这种精神继续发扬光大。)
Generate ideas that will lead to your objective, then decide which to carry forward.(首先产生各种能够完成任务的想法,然后决定去执行哪一个。)
Or whether the bruised relations between the two candidates and the accumulated Clinton baggage are too much to carry forward.(否则的话,他就要掂量一下与希拉里之间受到挫伤的关系以及越来越重的“希拉里包袱”是否会成为他难以承受的负担。)
carry forward是什么意思 carry forward在线翻译 carry forward什么意思 carry forward的意思 carry forward的翻译 carry forward的解释 carry forward的发音 carry forward的同义词